presence     empathy     compassion     validation     hope


My mission is to create sacred space around people who are grieving so they can embrace the mourning process as a way to honor themselves and their loved one.

After the sudden death of my younger brother, Alan Andrew Young-Bryant, in December of 2012, I embarked upon a soul-finding mission to heal my grief while pregnant with my third child. I literally embodied life and death for those eight months. Alan was 32 years-old, healthy and at the prime of his life.  His sudden death came wrapped in shock and disbelief.  At first, my mind, heart and soul could not integrate my new reality. My heart was broken and I couldn't accept what I didn't understand.  This was the darkest night of my soul, and the pain seemed unbearable during the first year after Alan died.   I decided to take a leave of absence from my part-time graduate program and focus on grieving and self-care so that I could continue functioning in my daily life; for myself, my brother and my family. As painful as it was, I chose to carry my grief, as a burden of love, on and consciously worked through it with the help of family, friends, healing professionals, bereavement support groups, meditation and books...lots of books!  I am incredibly grateful to everyone who had the courage to bear witness to my pain and facilitate my healing. Along my journey, I sought out the work of many people in the vast field of grief and loss. The author and speaker who most resonated with me was Sue Frederick.  When I discovered Sue's work, I discovered how to use the sadness and pain of my grief into a meaningful endeavor to help others carry their grief and create a life alongside of it. Sue provides concrete steps to connect with intuition to integrate loss and heal grief.  In 2016, I completed Sue's coaching program and became a Certified Grief Intuitive Coach.


  • 2016 - present Certified Grief Intuitive Coach and Certified Reiki-One practitioner                                                                                                                                                         
  • 2015 - 2016 Administrative assistant at Acadia Integrative Medicine, LLC
  • 2007 - present Domestic Engineer, Mama to three children & devotee of Conscious Parenting and inner work
  • 2003 - 2006 Youth Sports Coach and YMCA Sports Director
  • 1996 - 2003 High school and college athlete and coach


  • 2017 Reiki-One certified practitioner, Reiki Academy of Natural-Attunement
  • 2017 "Cultivating Compassionate Presence"  8-week skills training course for professionals in integrating meditation in care              Spiritual Care Program                                                                                                                                                      
  • 2016-2017 Essential Energetics Mentorship Program with Hayley Merchant and Sarah Tewhey, Co-Founders of 54 Herrick Integrative Medicine, Southwest Harbor, Maine. (for more information)                                                                        
  • 2016 Grief Intuitive Coaching Certification, Sue Frederick                                                                                                                                  
  • 2008 - present Parenting school: Mother to three children
  • 2000 Mount Holyoke College, B.A. in Cultural Anthropology and Sports Studies
  • 1996 Northfield Mount Hermon School, Northfield, MA


  • 2017 "Entering the Healing Ground: the Sacred Work of Grief" Francis Weller, Commonweal, Bolinas, CA
  • 2015 Kripalu Retreat participant, "Loved ones on the other side" with Sue Frederick                                                                                                                      
  • 2015 Parenting For Wholeness "Clean Parenting Program" with Eliane Sainte-Marie
  • 2012 Kripalu Bereavement Retreat participant "From Grieving to Believing"


  • 2017 Healing Touch Professional Association
  • 2017 Energy Medicine Professional Association insured practitioner



I grew up in Brattleboro, Vermont and attended Northfield Mount Hermon high school and Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. I moved to Maine in 2002, after spending two years in Houston, Texas teaching physical education and coaching soccer, track and field and cross country. I am life-long athlete (gymnastics, soccer, basketball, diving, and track and field) and coach, seeker of truth, lover of all things authentic, and innately skilled in understanding the human condition with compassion and empathy. I enjoy "creative" cooking and photography and am a proud survivor and thriver of postpartum depression and sibling loss. I am married to a lobsterman and we are raising our three children on Mount Desert Island, Maine.

Because of having the opportunity to feel all of that, I’m beginning to I understand myself in a completely different way.