Energy Medicine Professional Association (EMPA)

Code of Ethics

As a member of EMPA I agree and commit to abide by and uphold the following Code of Ethics:

1: Work within my Scope of Practice

I will use my modalities within the scope of my training, experience, current licensing and credentialing. I will accurately represent myself to the public in accordance with my credentials. If the needs of a client are beyond my abilities, I will refer the client to a competent professional for care. I agree to practice within the guidelines of this Code of Ethics.

2: Provide Respectful Care

I pledge to treat clients with respect, courtesy, care and consideration. I respect the client’s individuality, beliefs, inherent worth, and dignity. I commit to provide a comfortable and safe environment for clients. I respect the client’s right to be involved in their treatment, and I commit to empower clients to give feedback and alter or discontinue a session at any time. I practice equality and acceptance, and work in partnership with clients to promote healing regardless of race, creed, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, politics, social status, spiritual practice or health condition. The client’s inner process, spiritual practices and pacing of healing are respected and supported.

3: Commit to Accurate Disclosure and Education

I will inform the client of my educational and experiential background in any related credentials that I hold on an individualized basis, and consider the client’s expressed needs and personal situations. I will also provide an explanation of the treatment process to the level of the client’s understanding, and clearly and accurately inform the client of the nature and terms of the service before beginning any treatment.

4: Commit to Obtaining Informed Consent

I recognize the client's right to determine what happens to his or her body. I will fully inform clients of choices relating to their care, and disclose policies and limitations that may affect their care to assist clients in making informed decisions. I will not provide service without obtaining the client's signed informed consent (or that of the guardian or advocate for the client) to the session plan.

5: Protect Confidentiality

I affirm that I will protect client confidentiality at all times, will keep all client records in a secure and private place in accordance with state and federal regulations, and will only disclose information with the client’s written consent, within the limits of the law. I will document client health information and treatment findings appropriately according to my training and the setting. Information will be shared only with client’s written permission.

6: Maintain Legal Compliance

I agree that I am responsible to understand and comply with local, state/province and federal laws and regulations where I practice. I understand that I am expected to understand any legal restrictions or requirements with regard to any professional license or credential that I hold and to work within my scope of practice and to comply accordingly. I will maintain the appropriate business licenses according to my local and state/province requirements.

7: Commit to Professionalism

I commit to maintain high standards of professionalism and integrity, and to serve the best interests of clients at all times. I will maintain and respect professional boundaries with clients at all times. I pledge to respect colleagues in my modality and other modalities and to model professional courtesy in my behavior and business practices. I will promote the Energy Medicine profession by committing to continuously improve my skills through education and practice.